Monday, September 30, 2024

OWF Reminiscence Bog

During the making of the One Word Film project, the original idea was about two best friends who had a close childhood but were separated when one of them was murdered. However, after thinking more about it, the story seemed too confusing. The idea then changed to a simpler story about two best friends who used to be close but aren’t anymore. Flashbacks of them being happy and spending time together were included to show how things used to be.

The storyboard really helped in bringing the ideas to life and matching the drawings to actual scenes. The project was filmed and edited using iMovie our phones. Even though the theme of the film was changed a few times, the project still came together. There could have been improvements, especially in making the story clearer so it wouldn’t be as confusing.

The use of black-and-white flashbacks to show memories worked well, along with showing the characters closing and opening their eyes to enter and exit these memories. Even though there were some challenges, these parts made the film stand out. With more experience, editing and storytelling can be improved to make things clearer and stronger in the future.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Greenfish and her journey to find her people​

In this assignment we were instructed to make a story using only 15 pictures, we tried our best to show the real meaning behind each and every one of these photos.
My partner and I decided to tell a story that relates to bullying and which is beyond tragic. We chose to do this story because although it's just goldfish, we made it so this type of unkindness could be noticed more prevented by other people, some people till this day believe this type of discrimination isn't bad or is okay and correct to do, but it's not, and its so unfortunate to still see people treat others like this. On the other hand, Me and my partner think we did an incredible job naming and choosing a scene for all these shots, we took time and effort trying to find the perfect scene and way to describe each shot. My favorite shot has to be shot #13 because this is when Greenfish and his new friend come out of the bathroom after meeting and introducing them to his new friend group, and you can see the confusion in Greenfish's old friend group because of the question marks and i thought that was very clever. My second favorite scene/shot has to be #7 because while the greenfish's future best friend is walking into the bathroom you can see some of the green fish's body and some of the toilet which demonstrates that she is in the bathroom. Something i would probably improve is the quality of the camera, because you can't really see many things because the camera isn't focused too well. Another thing i would change is using to many extreme close ups, i feel like the extreme close ups could be switched for something more casual and not so rare is that makes any sense. 















March 8th, 2025

 Hey everyone! Since I’m working on my Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) , I’ve been doing some research for the first question: How does...