Friday, February 28, 2025

Production day 2!

 Hey Cambridge! With our filming coming to a close, this blog is all about our second day of filming.

Since I was running late, Oona started filming. She began with the bars scene, and since it wasn’t actually Gianna’s actor performing, she made sure to frame the shots carefully so the audience wouldn’t be able to tell. We focused mainly on close-ups of her hands gripping the bars. Then, she transitioned into filming the chalk cloud with another close-up. 

Once Emma and Candelaria arrived, they signed waivers, and we officially got started! As planned, we did multiple quick clothing changes when filming tricks since none of us are actual gymnasts. We captured close-ups of mounts, turns, and jumps on the beam, focusing on Gianna’s right knee when she landed. Since we were on a time crunch, we focused on overshooting, filming tons of jumps and landings with close-ups so the audience couldn’t tell who was actually performing. One major challenge was keeping other people out of the background. It took multiple takes, but we finally got clean shots!

After finishing the landings and tricks, we filmed me (Gianna) alone. We shot her walking into the gym using long shots, close-ups, and tracking shots. Using different shot types always enhances the film’s aesthetic and keeps the audience engaged. We also got a great idea to show Gianna looking at the many trophies displayed in the gym. This shot highlights her deep love for gymnastics and her strong desire to win. Another important moment was Gianna taking deep breaths, emphasizing her focus during training. Finally, we filmed her fixing her hair, showing how hard she trains to the point where her physical appearance starts falling apart.

We had a super successful filming day and had a blast! Here are some pictures:

  • Waiver

  • The tons of shots we ended up taking (ALL of our storage is almost full since each of us grabbed our phones to film from various angles) 

  • Clips we took (sneak peek!)

  • Filming Gianna focused

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Hey Cambridge! Welcome back to our blog! Today, we're diving deeper into the sounds we have decided to include into our project.

Background Music: One of my partners Oona found the background music on Pixabay. At first, she searched on YouTube but had trouble finding the perfect song that truly fit our film's opening. After endless scrolling and searching, We finally found the right song!

These are some sounds that Candelaria made for us!

General Sounds:

  • Scrolling on TikTok (gymnastics feed)

  • Landing on mats

  • Squeaking of shoes

  • Setting bag down

  • Walking on the floor

  • Knock on door

Diegetic Sounds:


  • Deep breath
  • Heavy breathing
  • Zippers
  • Chatter/gym noise
  • Soft footsteps (barefoot steps/run)
  • Lockers opening and closing
  • Phone notifications
  • AC ventilation
  • Velcro fastening


  • Car door opening and closing
  • Car driving sounds
  • Car doors locking


  • Papers rustling
  • Marker writing
  • Going upstairs
  • Opening door
  • Sitting down on the bed
  • Pulling out a chair
  • Putting phone down
  • Sighing (female sigh)
  • Clicking of a pen
  • Writing
  • Gasp
  • Walking up the stairs

These sounds will be incorporated into our project and will definitely enhance our final film opening! All sound effects were found on Pixabay. Now that I'm realizing, I'm really thankful we had a project on foley sounds in my Aice media class.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Production day 1

 Hello friends, welcome back!!

  Here's a little of what happened our first day filming! We started by filming Gianna arriving home. To make this scene realistic, we used my car to show her pulling into the driveway. At first, we tried using Candelaria’s film camera, but since it was too dark, it was hard to see Gianna and the surroundings clearly. In the end, we decided to use our phones to capture the scene. We included different types of shots: long and medium shots for when the car was pulling in, a low-angle shot, and a tracking shot when Gianna was walking into the house. When Gianna walked in to her house she looks turns around and closes the door behind her 

Once Gianna walked into her room she placed her backpack where she places it daily. After, she walked to her calendar which displayed the days she had doctors appointments and physical therapy for her injured knee, in few weeks she had her competition day. In order to show that Gianna was crossing off different days in the calendar we changed what clothing she had on her arm. For example, we used a blue, light grey, and dark grey hoodie on her arm to represent the different days she was crossing out the calendar.

Next, Gianna receives a message from her coach. For this shot, we used a handheld camera and a mid-shot of her lying on her bed. Then, we transitioned to Gianna at her desk, going through stacks of papers. We used a close-up to focus on her grades, which she didn't put her best effort into, to show how she's struggling academically. That’s when she finds the consent form for a gymnastics competition. We zoomed in on the title to give the audience context. Using extreme close-ups, we captured her ignoring the rule about injuries and filling out the form anyway. But before she can finish, there's a knock on the door. We reshot the moment several times to show her scrambling to hide the form, trying emphasizing that she didn't want whoever was walking through that door to know she can't compete due to the fact that she is injured.

Throughout filming, we tried to mix up our shots instead of overusing the same ones, like backshots, which we had relied on a lot before. We also ended up overshooting a ton, but that just means we’ll have more options to choose from during editing! And that wraps up Day 1 of filming!

Saturday, February 22, 2025


 Welcome back Cambridge friends!

 Today my main focus is Audio, if i'm being completely honest audio has to be the most stressful and overstimulating part of the film opening. Theres just so much to think about, every squeak, thud, slap, and breath has to be captured and acknowledged. Anyways back to my main focus... Sound is a big part of making a film opening feel real, especially in a story my beautiful story about gymnastics. Every small noise in the gym adds to the experience the thud of feet landing on the mat, the springy bounce of the floor when Gianna tumbles, and the sharp slap of her hands gripping the bars. Even little details, like the quick snap of her grips tightening or the soft swish of chalk brushing off her hands, help bring the setting to life. These sounds let the audience feel the hard work and focus that gymnastics takes.

Music also plays an important role in setting the mood. A soft, emotional tune could play when Gianna is struggling at home, showing her frustration with low grades and family stress. But when she’s training, a fast and powerful beat can build excitement, showing her determination to reach her goals. My partners and I have tried brainstorming songs and audio we would like in the background of our film opening but still haven't decided on one.

The change in music between the gym and her home can help the audience understand her emotions without needing any many words. 

To make everything sound even more real, foley sounds extra sound effects added in a studio can make small moments stand out. The shuffle of her feet before a vault, the tiny squeak of her leotard on the mat, or the thud of her backpack hitting the gym floor all help make the world feel alive. By using natural sounds, music, and foley effects together, the film opening won’t just show Gianna’s journey it will let the audience hear and feel every moment of it. Since the grips have a slight metal hitting metal while on the bars we could use a bracelet with charms to make that sound realistic. Me and my partners have so many ideas that would contribute very nicely to our project and i think will turn out amazing!! 


Friday, February 21, 2025


 Hey blog!! This week, we are currently working on our mise-en-scene elements for our film openings. Since my opening revolves around a teenage girl and her obsession with gymnastics. I decided to start researching pictures to put on Gianna Diazs’ bedroom wall that will be used in the scene where we show her bedroom has mostly gymnastic related decor and wall frames. In order to make the gymnast wall piece, I made sure to research them to make them look like she knows what gymnastics really is and is intensely into it as well as putting up her favorite gymnast and the award she won. 

Today I will be mainly focusing on props. Props are items that are used in films to help tell a story and can even somewhat develop a character. Props can be something a character interacts with or uses to make something more obvious and help build the plot. 

In my film, props will be a tool to help bring the story to life! For example....

Knee brace: For the audiences better understanding that Gianna will be injured and it will be a very big issue at the later on.

Calendar: The calendar can be used to let the viewers know that days are going by and the competition day is coming closer and closer.

Grips: Usually in gymnastics you son't need grips until you have reached one of the intense levels, so this will show her obsession and dedication to gymnastics.

Chalk: Gymnasts use chalk to absorb sweat and reduce friction, it also improves the gymnasts grip on the bars. This can show that she is ready to begin but faces some struggles.

Heres an idea of what the gym is going to look like.

Most of these props will show how Gianna Diaz is training and practicing her gymnastics skills. Even the gym mats will be considered props. The best part is that many of the props are already available to me and my partners since one of us has a little sibling that does gymnastics and me and another partner work at Tag USA (Gymnastics center). I'm really looking forward to using these props for the project and I can't wait to research more!

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Hello Cambridge friends!! Today i will be diving into the super important role of filming. Setting!! This is a very important step in telling a story. The setting for my film opening will be in a gymnastics center. Setting sometimes reflects the mood and help the audience understand more about the inside story of Gianna's life.

The Film opening is going to take place at TAG USA gymnastics and "Gianna's" house. In my opinion TAG is the perfect place to show Giannas strong determination and hard work to try her best and get into the college of her dreams with a scholarship. When Gianna is't in school she is at TAG USA practicing her skills daily. Gianna’s house, on the other hand, shows a more personal side of her life. At home, she struggles with low grades and tension in her family. The house feels less warm and more stressful, making it clear that she faces challenges outside of gymnastics too.

Setting is an important part of this film because it helps show Giannas journey in a clear and meaningful way. TAG USA is an energetic place filled with mats, beams, and bars where athletes train hard every day. Making it the perfect place to show Gianna’s dedication and passion for gymnastics. It’s where she spends most of her time, pushing herself to be better, even when it gets tough.

Together, these places help tell Gianna’s story, letting the audience see her struggles, goals, and the reality she lives in.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Meet Gianna Diaz!

Hello Cambridge friends! Today, you will meet Gianna Diaz, the main character in our film. I hope you're excited! The movie takes place in 2024, which means Gianna was born in the early 2000s. She currently lives in the United States but has Hispanic roots from Maracaibo, Venezuela. Because of her background, we wanted to make sure her last name fit her where her ancestors are originally from. That’s why we started searching for last names that matched her Latin ancestors.

It was important for us to choose a last name that felt real and meaningful. Since Gianna’s family is from Venezuela, we looked at common Hispanic last names that could belong to someone with her background. After some research, we decided on the last name Diaz. It’s a beautiful name that is common in many Spanish speaking countries. It also sounds natural with Gianna making it a perfect match.

I can't wait for you to learn more about Gianna and her story! Stay tuned for more updates about the film. Here are where me and my partners got the idea from!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Group Meeting

 Hello everybody! Todays blog is about my group meeting in class, there were 5 people assigned in each group. My group members were Vanessa, Will, Maria, and Samira. We were given this assignment to learn about each others projects, as well as receive recommendations from your other partners about what we should include in our projects.

The first person to tell us about their project was Maria. Here are four main points that caught my attention.

  • Inspired by Knives Out (2019) focusing on the mystery genre.
  • Wants to use mise en scene elements like missing case files and a bulletin board.
  • Vanessa suggested displaying credit sequences within the props for a foreshadowing effect.
  • Samira recommended making it about a detective compiling clues on a missing person. 
Her mystery movie idea is coming together and i'm so glad for her!

The next person to present was Samira. When she began speaking I could already tell she was beyond prepared to start, and she also knew what she wanted to do with her film as well as knowing exactly where she wanted to film and who her characters were going to be, which I absolutely loved! These are 5 key points about Samira's project!
  • Creating a sports comedy inspired by The Sandlot (1993).
  • Plans to feature her 8-year-old brother and his friends playing baseball.
  • Group members suggested shaping the plot around kids forming a baseball team to help with development.
  • Will explained The Sandlot is a coming-of-age film to give her more inspiration.
  • She has solid ideas for casting, shots, and composition already planned.

After Samira was Vanessa, I loved the way her blog was organized, it was adorable and unique. Vanessa in my opinion was the one that mostly participated and gave her opinion on everybody's project and gave them many recommendations.
  • Her film is a psychological horror including a medical student 
  • Samira suggested an opening scene showing the student cleaning up after a "patient."
  • She also pitched an idea of multiple characters finding out about the missing nurse at different times.
  • Will suggested a final scene with a doctor’s conversation being interrupted by another nurse.
  • I'm pretty sure help from other group members gave Vanessa a clearer vision for her storyboard.
Will presented next. I honestly really like the idea of his film opening. Will wants to create a sports comedy inspired by Happy Gilmore (1996), where a bad golfer learns to play either for a cash prize or to impress a girl. These are the key points that caught my attention in his presentation.

  • Inspired by Happy Gilmore (1996), making a sports comedy.
  • His main character either competes for a cash prize or tries to impress a girl.
  •  Group members suggested choosing the second option since it’s easier and funnier.
  • The story follows an unskilled golfer learning to play just for the girl.
  • He wants his film to have a lighthearted and comedic vibe.

Friday, February 14, 2025


 This is the story board me and my group members worked on! We aren't really artists i'd say...

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Summarizing my project idea

 Hey Cambridge people! I hope you are doing awesome! Today I'll be summarizing my film opening.

My project is a sports drama film about a young, teenage gymnast who has been training her whole life, ever since she was a baby. Gymnastics isn’t just a sport to her it’s her entire world. She’s obsessed with it, and nothing else really matters. But right before the biggest competition of her life, she injures her knee. Now she’s stuck between two life changing decisions, push through the pain and risk making things worse, or step back and watch everything she’s worked for slip out of her hands.

She’s not the best student, and gymnastics has always been the one thing she’s good at. Without it, she doesn't feel like herself, not a bit! Her coach is there to support her, pushing her to stay strong, but in the end, it’s all up to her. Should she fight through the pain or step back and watch her life long dream vanish?

This film will show the mental and physical struggles of being an athlete and the pressure that comes with it. It’s about passion and learning what really matters. I can’t wait to bring this story to life!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Media theory

Welcome back my friends! Today’s blog is all about media theory and how I’m going to use it in my film opening. Basically, media theories help explain how stories are told and why they work the way they do. Since my film is a sports drama, I’m focusing on narrative theory, which is all about how characters fit into a story.

In every story characters have different roles which make the film interesting for my film I'm using three main roles.

Hero: The main character (aka the gymnast)

Villain: The beam/bar/floor/tramp she accidentally falls too hard on

Helper: Person who wants whats best for the hero (coach)


My main character is a gymnast who has been training since she was basically a baby. Gymnastics isn’t just a hobby for her it’s her entire life. She eats, sleeps, and breathes the sport. But then, kaboom! She injures her knee right before the biggest competition of her life. Now she’s stuck wondering if she can still compete, or is this the end of her dream?

Costume Idea: Her competition leotard, warm-up gear, and later on a knee brace.



There isn’t an actual bad guy in my film, but the real villain is her injury. It’s what’s stopping her from doing what she loves. But it’s more than just the physical pain she’s also fighting her own doubts and fears. Does she push through? Does she sit out? This is the big conflict of the film.
Costume: knee brace and maybe ice packs


Every athlete needs their mentor/coach. The coach is the one pushing her, reminding her why she started, and helping her decide what to do. Will the coach tell her to go all in or tell her to back out of her dream?
Costume idea: Coach shirt, whistle, 

A sports drama is all about the struggles, and the passion, its also about making very tough choices. By using these character roles my film opening will what it is like to OBSESSED with a sport and all of a sudden have it all at risk. I honestly can't wait to put this all in my film opening its going to be amazing!!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Color Scheme!

 Hello!!! Today I'll be mainly talking about color scheme! Trust me it's more interesting than it seems. Whether you're designing a movie poster, decorating your room, making a social media post or choosing your outfit, the colors are a huge deal. They do way more than just make things look pretty. Colors can make us feel excited, calm, or even a tad bit creeped out. Colors aren't just for decoration, they help set the mood, set the scene, and even show you what's happening inside the characters head.

Colors can make people feel certain things, even before the character talks, for example a scene with cool colors like blue, and green usually make the viewer feel calm and peaceful. On the other hand, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow usually give a positive and joyful vibe. 

Sometimes, colors can me used to show tension, or even conflict. Imagine a character standing in a room thats mostly dark, with only a few bright lights shining on them. The background might have lost of dark blues, grays or blacks, while the character could be wearing a bright red jacket. The contrast between those two sets of colors shows theres something important or dramatic happening. If you actually think about sports movies, you might notice that the team with the brightest uniforms often represents the energy and hope of the story, while the other team wearing the darker colors tend to struggle more than the opposing team.

Splash of Color - TV Tropes

Colors in movies or films in general do more than just look nice and match, they help tell the story. A characters journey is mostly reflected in the colors around them. At the start they might be dull and shy (black, gray, or blue) show doubt or struggle. But as they grow they start to gain more confidence and their colors might change to yellow, red, or any bright color. The setting also plays a big role in storytelling. Even small details like the color of a characters clothing or the sky, can hint at emotions or whats coming next. In the end color is a powerful tool that shaped how we feel about a certain scene, they make the story feel real. So next time you watch a movie make sure you pay attention to the colors you might notice they're telling more than you realize.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Timeline for my Sport/Drama Portfolio Project

 For this portfolio project, I’ve learned that the best way to stay focused is by making a clear schedule and making sure to stick to it. I'll break everything down into smaller pieces and give myself deadlines to make sure i complete everything on time!

I need to research film openings in drama and sports, and also look into the sport/drama genres. I’ll figure out what makes them effective and how characters are developed. Also, I’ll create a storyboard to help plan out the scenes and shots for the story film. This will help me organize my ideas before i start filming.

WEEK 1:   1/27 - 2/2

This week is all about starting the project. I’ll choose 3 genres to focus on and research film openings and plots in the drama and sports genre. I’ll start developing a plot idea and figure out the main moments for the opening.

WEEK 2:   2/3 - 2/9

I’ll narrow down the plot and the genre. With the genre picked, I’ll keep researching and continue developing ideas. I’ll also create a storyboard to help visualize the scenes and start searching for places to start filming. I’ll begin asking for permission to film at those places.

WEEK 3:   2/10 - 2/17

I’ll research a media theory that I can use in the project. I’ll also summarize my project idea and finish the story board and script. This week i'll start filming the scenes.

WEEK 4:   2/18 - 2/25

It’s time to start recording the footage and make sure everything is in the correct order. I’ll also record any sound effects or voiceovers. Then, I’ll edit the footage to create a first draft.

WEEK 5:   2/26 - 3/5

I’ll  look ever the first draft to make any changed that are needed. If any scened need to be re edited or even re shot i'll make sure to do that.

WEEK 6:   3/6 - 3/13

I'll make the final changes to the film and finish the Creative Critical Reflection (CCR). This week will be for reviewing and cleaning up any clips of sounds that need last minute fixing. I’ll compare all versions to decide which one to keep.

WEEK 7:   3/14 - 3/21

This week is for catching up in case anything gets delayed or needs more work. I won’t start new tasks unless me and my partners really need to.

I'm so determined to stick to this schedule/timeline and make some changes if needed to. Time managment has been a little difficult in the past but this schedule will hopefully help me stay on track. I'm a pretty big procrastinator but for this project i'll try my best to avoid it at alls cost. See you later Cambridge!!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Credit sequences

 Hello guys! Today i'll be researching 3 credit sequences and analyzing them. Credit sequences usually serve a bigger purpose, they don't choose the most basic font or color to  just list the names, it is usually related to the character, scenes, or setting. They highlight the characters journey throughout the movie. Here are three credit sequences in the Sports/Drama genre that stand out.

Air (2023)

Game poster image

The end credits of Air (2023) feature real like clips and images of Michael Jordan, Nike executives, and the evolution of the Air Jordan brand. The credit sequence at the end has a background music of the 80's, which makes sure the audience feels energy and excitement. The font and style of the credits are bold and retro, they resemble the advertising and branding from the 1980's. It fits the business and athletic themes of the film. As for the color scheme, the colors are bright reds, deep blacks, and very bold whites, which happen to be Air Jordans signature colors.

King Richard (2021)

Game poster image

The credits of "King Richard" show real life clips pf Venus and Serena Williams, as well as their father Richard. They show clips of interviews, championship highlights and, videos from when they had first started training, which is reminding the viewers of the film based on a true story. The text of the credits appear in white or gold with warm toned, old footage. 

American Underdog (2021)

Game poster image

American underdog also shows real life short videos of Kurt warners career, from his days in the Arena football league to his super bowl victory. We see clips of interviews, games, as well as clips of his family. The font is clean and pretty much elegant and professional, it's very modern i would say. The sequence is also filled with many blues, golds and whites, which are the colors of the Rams and the NFL. The bright colors give a very happy and positive vibe. The credit sequence strengthens the real life main idea behind the movie, showing Kurt Warner's story is full of faith, determination, patience, and trying to achieve what you think is the impossible.

March 8th, 2025

 Hey everyone! Since I’m working on my Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) , I’ve been doing some research for the first question: How does...