Saturday, February 15, 2025

Group Meeting

 Hello everybody! Todays blog is about my group meeting in class, there were 5 people assigned in each group. My group members were Vanessa, Will, Maria, and Samira. We were given this assignment to learn about each others projects, as well as receive recommendations from your other partners about what we should include in our projects.

The first person to tell us about their project was Maria. Here are four main points that caught my attention.

  • Inspired by Knives Out (2019) focusing on the mystery genre.
  • Wants to use mise en scene elements like missing case files and a bulletin board.
  • Vanessa suggested displaying credit sequences within the props for a foreshadowing effect.
  • Samira recommended making it about a detective compiling clues on a missing person. 
Her mystery movie idea is coming together and i'm so glad for her!

The next person to present was Samira. When she began speaking I could already tell she was beyond prepared to start, and she also knew what she wanted to do with her film as well as knowing exactly where she wanted to film and who her characters were going to be, which I absolutely loved! These are 5 key points about Samira's project!
  • Creating a sports comedy inspired by The Sandlot (1993).
  • Plans to feature her 8-year-old brother and his friends playing baseball.
  • Group members suggested shaping the plot around kids forming a baseball team to help with development.
  • Will explained The Sandlot is a coming-of-age film to give her more inspiration.
  • She has solid ideas for casting, shots, and composition already planned.

After Samira was Vanessa, I loved the way her blog was organized, it was adorable and unique. Vanessa in my opinion was the one that mostly participated and gave her opinion on everybody's project and gave them many recommendations.
  • Her film is a psychological horror including a medical student 
  • Samira suggested an opening scene showing the student cleaning up after a "patient."
  • She also pitched an idea of multiple characters finding out about the missing nurse at different times.
  • Will suggested a final scene with a doctor’s conversation being interrupted by another nurse.
  • I'm pretty sure help from other group members gave Vanessa a clearer vision for her storyboard.
Will presented next. I honestly really like the idea of his film opening. Will wants to create a sports comedy inspired by Happy Gilmore (1996), where a bad golfer learns to play either for a cash prize or to impress a girl. These are the key points that caught my attention in his presentation.

  • Inspired by Happy Gilmore (1996), making a sports comedy.
  • His main character either competes for a cash prize or tries to impress a girl.
  •  Group members suggested choosing the second option since it’s easier and funnier.
  • The story follows an unskilled golfer learning to play just for the girl.
  • He wants his film to have a lighthearted and comedic vibe.

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March 8th, 2025

 Hey everyone! Since I’m working on my Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) , I’ve been doing some research for the first question: How does...